
  • Posted on: 15 July 2015
  • By: MrWurster

Snow today! Poor sheep. Its been cold the last week, but last night it was cold enough to snow, then rain.The paddocks are waterlogged, and so are the livestock.They were very keen on their breakfast snack.

We've been cold too. We've been painting the house before we move in. The wood heater has been wrapped in drop sheets so we haven't had any heating. And last night we actually left a door wide open overnight...the night it snowed!

The house was still warmer than outside. Once we have a heater going how much better will it be.....

From my backdoor you can see Mt Buffalo. Today it's crusted with snow. Beautiful!

So, painting finished today. Officially we move in in a couple of days, but we are already starting to feel settled. There's a pattern to the day already. There's geese to manage, and cold-sensitive trees to cover and uncover. And sheep and cattle to water and check on.

And so much stuff to do. The task list has more than 80 items on it, and is accumulating quickly.

For example, tomorrow's task is to submit the "we need a bin" form to the local council with the statutory declaration witnessed by a JP that we didn't steal the missing bin.
And remove the rest of the plastic and drop sheets and get the kitchen set up.

And light the heater!