Map rabbit-hole

  • Posted on: 5 February 2023
  • By: MrWurster

Huh! I've been chasing down a mapping rabbit-hole for the last few days. The ridiculously unseasonal February cold-snap and rain gave me an excuse to stay inside.

After I found the 2018 aerial map of Jandra, I started to look for other, older maps. And found a treasure trove. Google Earth offers a range of images. Being out of the metropolitan area, the earlier maps (1984-2000) are very low resolution and not much use to me for this project. After that Google Maps is great.

But it started me thinking...what sort of maps/aerial photography are available from before Google and Maps?

There is quite a lot online, and I have been digging through it, fascinated.

Have a look....Jandra timeline maps

The earliest local image is 1948, but we are just out of frame. There isn't a lot of change between 1955 and the next few images in the '60's , so I expect the 1948 image wouldn't show much different. I guess I will just have to keep digging....!